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When another person's distraction becomes your problem

Have you ever read a book while talking on the phone? Imagine if your friend or loved one, whom you haven't spoken to in a while, calls you to catch up, but you don't want to put down the good book you're reading, so you try to keep reading while having your phone conversation. If your mind feels confused just thinking about multitasking between talking on the phone and reading a book, you're definitely not the only one to have this reaction.

The same type of confusion, stress and difficulty you'd likely experience if you tried to read a book and talk on the phone at the same time is similar to what happens when those driving cars use their cell phones, text or otherwise distract their attentions away from the road. In fact, analysts say it takes approximately five seconds to glance down at a text message while driving, which is comparable to driving across an entire football field with a blindfold over your eyes.

Know the facts about cell phone use while driving

When you drive a car or use your cell phone, it requires cognitive focus. If another motorist fails to focus, you may find yourself in need of urgent support if a collision occurs that causes you injury. The following list provides information that emphasizes the danger of multitasking while driving:

  • The problem with trying to do something else while you are driving is that when you prompt your brain to try to do more than one thing at the same time, it decreases your ability to do either thing well. In other words, the more you distract your brain from a single task, the less you are able to perform the task well.
  • If you use a cell phone or otherwise multitask while driving, you may not react quickly enough to changes in traffic flow, such as needing to apply your brakes or stop at red lights.
  • The number of auto accidents related to cell phone use while driving is probably much higher than current statistics show due to underreporting of such incidents.
  • Using a hands free device may not be sufficient to keep you safe or help you avoid a collision while driving. Even though you may not be holding a device at the time, your brain is still otherwise engaged, which may delay your reaction time or cause you to not see up to half of your surroundings on the road.

Studies suggest there is really no safe way to multitask while driving. It's one thing if you know and understand this, and try to stay as safe as possible by making good choices behind the wheel. It's quite another if a distracted motorist collides with your vehicle and causes you to suffer injury because he or she was negligent.

What to do if you suffer injury in a distracted driving accident

When another person's distraction results in your injury, you can tap into various support networks to help you through recovery. One of the first things many South Dakota and Wyoming accident victims do is schedule meetings with experienced personal injury attorneys to discuss options for seeking recovery for their losses.

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